Hey, there! I’m Fiona, the face behind this website. I currently live in Raleigh, NC with my boyfriend, Charlie, and our little cat, Fig. If you happen to stop by our place, I’d like to apologize in advance. Fig will hiss at you and it will hurt your feelings. But once she gets that off her chest, she warms up quickly and is actually quite sweet.
Anyway, a bit about me.
I was born in Buffalo, grew up in Southern California, and—along with the rest of the Golden State—moved to Austin, TX in 2015. (All of this helps to explain my undying love for buffalo wings, fish tacos, and margaritas.)
Austin holds a special place in my heart. It’s where I ate some of my favorite food, made some of my best friends, and met Charlie. But in 2020, as prices in Austin became a little too much to stomach, Charlie and I packed up our apartment, moved to Dallas for a couple quick years, and eventually decided to move to the Raleigh area to put down roots. We love it here.
I started this website as a way to keep track of all my favorite recipes, restaurants, and food-related things as I begin to explore the place we now call home.
Growing up, food was always a huge part of life. My parents, who moved to the States from London, spent nearly every evening in the kitchen. They introduced my brother and me to all types of food from a very early age. Aside from British classics like roast dinners with bread sauce (it’s a thing) and perfect Yorkshire puddings, we regularly enjoyed home cooked dishes inspired by cuisines from all over the world. I’m sure I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but looking back, I’m so thankful for all the incredible meals I enjoyed as a child and all the work that went into them.
Now that I’m a real-life adult in charge of putting food on my own plate, I’ve fallen in love with recreating the dishes I enjoyed as a child, developing new recipes of my own, and sharing them all with family and friends, as well as right here on xofiona.com.
In addition to recipes, I’ll be sharing restaurant recommendations, city guides, and lots of tips and tricks for general living (think: organizing, budgeting, and all things cat-related).
I really hope you enjoy your time here. Thanks so much for stopping by!
PS – That was a lot about me. I’d love to hear about you! So be sure to say hello in the comments below.